‘Patrick’s Places’
Foxe included a “godly and profitable treatise” of Patrick Hamilton in the 1570 edition of his Book of Martyrs. The treatise was written by Hamilton in Latin, and afterwards translated by John Frith into English in 1564. Frith named the treatise “Patrick’s Places”.
John Frith included this introduction to his translation:
“Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in these last days and perilous times hath stirred up in all countries witnesses unto his Son, to testify the truth unto the unfaithful, to save at least some from the snares of antichrist, which lead to perdition, as ye may here perceive by that excellent and well learned young man, Patrick Hamilton, born in Scotland of a noble progeny: who, to testify the truth, sought all means, and took upon him priesthood, (even as Paul circumcised Timothy, to win the weak Jews,) that he might be admitted to preach the pure word of God. Notwithstanding, as soon as the chamberlain and other bishops of Scotland had perceived that the light began to shine, which disclosed their falsehood that they conveyed in darkness, they laid hands on him, and because he would not deny his Saviour Christ at their instance, they burnt him to ashes. Nevertheless God of his bounteous mercy (to publish to the whole world what a man these monsters have murdered) hath reserved a little treatise, made by this Patrick, which, if ye list, ye may call Patrick’s Places; for it treateth exactly of certain commonplaces, which known, ye have the pith of all divinity. This treatise I have turned into the English tongue, to the profit of my nation: to whom I beseech God to give light, that they may espy the deceitful paths of perdition, and return to the right way, which leadeth to life everlasting, Amen.”
Patrick’s Places
The doctrine of the law
“The law is a doctrine that biddeth good, and forbiddeth evil, as the commandments do specify here following:
I. Thou shalt worship but one God.
II. Thou shalt make thee no image to worship it.
III. Thou shalt not swear by his name in vain.
IV. Hold the sabbath day holy.
V. Honour thy father and thy mother.
VI. Thou shalt not kill.
VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
VIII. Thou shalt not steal.
IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
X. Thou shalt not desire aught that belongeth to thy neighbour.
“All these commandments are briefly comprised in these two, Matt. xxii. 37, Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind: this is the first, and great commandment. The second is like unto this, that is, Love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hangeth all the law and the prophets.”
Certain general propositions proved by the Scripture
The First Proposition.
“He that loveth God loveth his neighbour.
“This proposition is proved, 1 John iv. 20, If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar. He that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?”
The Second Proposition.
“He that loveth his neighbour as himself, keepeth all the commandments of God.
“This proposition is proved: Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, even so do to them: for this is the law and the prophets. He that loveth his neighbour, fulfilleth the law. Thou shalt not commit adultery: thou shalt not kill: thou shalt not steal: thou shalt not bear false witness: thou shalt not desire. And if there be any other commandment, all are comprehended in this saying, Love thy neighbour as thyself. All the law is fulfilled in one word, that is, Love thy neighbour as thyself.”
“He that loveth his neighbour, keepeth all the commandments of God.
“He that loveth God, loveth his neighbour.
“Ergo, he that loveth God, keepeth all the commandments of God.”
The Third Proposition.
“He that hath faith, loveth God.
“My Father loveth you, because you love me, and I believe that I come of God.”
“He that keepeth the commandments of God, hath the love of God.
“He that hath faith, keepeth the commandments of God.
“Ergo, he that hath faith, loveth God.”
The Fourth Proposition.
“He that keepeth one commandment of God, keepeth them all.
“This proposition is confirmed: It is impossible for a man without faith to please God; that is, to keep any one of God’s commandments, as he should do. Then whosoever keepeth any one commandment hath faith.”
“He that hath faith keepeth all the commandments of God.
“He that keepeth any one commandment of God, hath faith.
“Ergo, he that keepeth one commandment keepeth them all.
The Fifth Proposition.
“He that keepeth not all the commandments of God, keepeth not one of them.”
“He that keepeth one commandment of God, keepeth all.
“Ergo, he that keepeth not all the commandments of God, keepeth not one of them.”
The Sixth Proposition.
“It is not in our power to keep any one of the commandments of God.”
“It is impossible to keep any of the commandments of God, without grace.
“It is not in our power to have grace.
“Ergo, it is not in our power to keep any of the commandments of God.
“And even so may you reason concerning the Holy Ghost and faith, forasmuch as neither without them we are able to keep any of the commandments of God, neither yet be they in our power to have: It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth.”
The Seventh Proposition.
“The law was given us to show our sin.
“By the law cometh the knowledge of sin. I knew not what sin meant, but through the law; for I had not known what lust had meant, except the law had said, Thou shalt not lust. Without the law sin was dead, that is, it moved me not, neither wist I that it was sin, which notwithstanding was sin, and forbidden by the law.”
The Eighth Proposition.
“The law biddeth us do that thing which is impossible for us.”
“The keeping of the commandments is to us impossible.
“The law commandeth to us the keeping of the commandments.
“Ergo, the law commandeth unto us that is impossible.
“Objection. But thou wilt say, Wherefore doth God bid us do what is impossible for us?
“Answer. I answer, To make thee know that thou art but evil, and that there is no remedy to save thee in thine own hand: and that thou mayest seek remedy at some other; for the law doth nothing else but command thee.”
The doctrine of the gospel
“The gospel is as much as to say, in our tongue, good tidings; like as these be hereunder following, and such others, Luke ii. 10.
“Christ is the Saviour of the world, John iv. 42.
“Christ is the Saviour, Luke ii. 11.
“Christ died for us, Rom. v. 6.
“Christ died for our sins, Rom. iv. 25.
“Christ bought us with his blood, 1 Pet. i. 19.
“Christ washed us with his blood, Rev. i. 5.
“Christ offered himself for us, Gal. i. 4.
“Christ bare our sins on his back, Isa. liii. 6.
“Christ came into this world to save sinners, 1 Tim. i. 15.
“Christ came into this world to take away our sins, 1 John iii. 5.
“Christ was the price that was given for us and our sins, 1 Tim. ii. 6.
“Christ was made debtor for us, Rom. viii. 12.
“Christ hath paid our debt, for he died for us, Col. ii. 14.
“Christ made satisfaction for us and our sins, 1 Cor. vii. 23.
“Christ is our righteousness, 1 Cor. i. 30.
“Christ is our sanctification, 1 Cor. i. 30.
“Christ is our redemption, 1 Cor. i. 30.
“Christ is our peace, Eph. ii. 14.
“Christ hath pacified the Father of heaven for us, Rom. v. 1.
“Christ is ours and all his, 1 Cor. iii. 23.
“Christ hath delivered us from the law, from the devil, and from hell, Col. ii. 14-17.
“The Father of heaven hath forgiven us our sins, for Christ’s sake, 1 John i. 9.
“(Or any such other, like to the same, which declare unto us the mercy of God.) “
The nature and office of the law and of the gospel
“The law showeth us our sin, Rom. iii. 9-20.
“The gospel showeth us remedy for it, John i. 29.
“The law showeth us our condemnation, Rom. vii. 23, 24.
“The gospel showeth us our redemption, Eph. i.
“The law is the word of ire, Rom. iv. 15.
“The gospel is the word of grace, Acts xx. 24.
“The law is the word of despair, Deut. xxvii. 15-26.
“The gospel is the word of comfort, Luke ii. 10.
“The law is the word of unrest, Rom. vii. 24.
“The gospel is the word of peace, Eph. vi. 15.”
A disputation between the law and the gospel; where is shown the difference or contrariety between them both
“The law saith, Pay thy debt.
“The gospel saith, Christ hath paid it.
“The law saith, Thou art a sinner; despair, and thou shalt be damned.
“The gospel saith, Thy sins are forgiven thee, be of good comfort, thou shalt be saved!
“The law saith, Make amends for thy sins.
“The gospel saith, Christ hath made it for thee. “The law saith, The Father of heaven is angry with thee.
The gospel saith, Christ hath pacified him with his blood.
“The law saith, Where is thy righteousness, goodness, and satisfaction?
“The gospel saith, Christ is thy righteousness, thy goodness, thy satisfaction.
“The law saith, Thou art bound and obliged to me, to the devil, and to hell.
“The gospel saith, Christ hath delivered thee from them all.”
The doctrine of faith
“Faith is to believe God, like as Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness.
“To believe God, is to believe his word, and to account it true, that he saith.
“He that believeth not God’s word, believeth not God himself.
“He that believeth not God’s word, he counteth him false and a liar, and believeth not that he may and will fulfil his word; and so he denieth both the might of God, and God himself.”
The Ninth Proposition.
“Faith is the gift of God.”
“Every good thing is the gift of God. “Faith is good.
“Ergo, faith is the gift of God.
The Tenth Proposition.
“Faith is not in our power.”
“The gift of God is not in our power.
“Faith is the gift of God.
“Ergo, faith is not in our power.”
The Eleventh Proposition.
“He that lacketh faith, cannot please God.
“Without faith it is impossible to please God; all that cometh not of faith is sin; for without faith can no man please God.”
“He that lacketh faith, trusteth not God: he that trusteth not God, trusteth not his word: he that trusteth not his word, holdeth him false and a liar: he that holdeth him false and a liar, believethnot that he may do that he promiseth, and so denieth he that he is God.
“Ergo, he that lacketh faith cannot please God.
“If it were possible for any man to do all the good deeds that ever were done either by men or angels, yet being in this case, it is impossible for him to please God.”
The Twelfth Proposition.
“All that is done in faith, pleaseth God.
“Right is the word of God, and all his works in faith.
“Lord, thine eyes look to faith: that is as much as to say, Lord, thou delightest in faith.”
The Thirteenth Proposition.
“He that hath faith is just and good.”
“He that is a good tree, bringing forth good fruit, is just and good.
“He that hath faith, is a good tree bringing forth good fruit.
“Ergo, he that hath faith, is just and good.”
The Fourteenth Proposition.
“He that hath faith, and believeth God, cannot displease him.”
“He that hath faith, believeth God; he that believeth God, believeth his word; he that believeth his word, wotteth well that he is true and faithful, and may not lie, knowing that he both may, and will, fulfil his word.
“Ergo, he that hath faith cannot displease God, neither can any man do a greater honour to God, than to count him true.”
“Thou wilt then say, that theft, murder, adultery, and all vices, please God.”
“Nay verily, for they cannot be done in faith; for a good tree beareth good fruit.”
The Fifteenth Proposition.
“Faith is a certainty or assuredness.
“Faith is a sure confidence of things which are hoped for, and certainty of things which are not seen.
“The same Spirit certifieth our spirit, that we are the children of God. Moreover, he that hath faith, wotteth well that God will fulfil his word: whereby it appeareth, that faith is a certainty or assuredness.
A man is justified by faith
“Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness.
“We suppose therefore, that a man is justified by faith, without the deeds of the law.
“He that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the wicked, his faith is counted to him for righteousness.
“The just man liveth by his faith.
“We wot that a man is not justified by the deeds of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ; and we believe in Jesus Christ, that we may be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the deeds of the law.”
What is the faith of Christ?
“The faith of Christ is to believe in him; that is, to believe his word, and believe that he will help thee in all thy need, and deliver thee from all evil.
“Thou wilt ask me, What word? I answer, The gospel.
“He that believeth in Christ shall be saved, Mark xvi. 16.
“He that believeth the Son hath everlasting life, John iii. 15.
“Verily I say unto you, He that believeth in me, hath everlasting life, John vi. 47.
“This I write unto you, that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life, 1 John v. 13.
“Thomas! because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they which have not seen, and yet have believed, John xx. 29.
“To him gave all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of their sins, Acts x. 43.
“What must I do to be saved? The apostles answered, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, Acts xvi. 30, 31.
“If thou dost acknowledge with thy mouth that Jesus is the Lord, and believe with thine heart that God raised him from death, thou shalt be safe, Rom. x. 9.
“He that believeth not in Christ shall be condemned. He that believeth not the Son shall never see life, but the ire of God bideth upon him, John iii. 36.
“The Holy Ghost shall reprove the world of sin, because they believe not in me, John xvi. 9.
“They that believe in Jesus Christ are the sons of God. Ye are all the sons of God, because ye believe in Jesus Christ, 1 John iii.
“He that believeth that Christ is the Son of God, is safe, John iii. 30.
“Peter said, Thou art Christ the Son of the living God! Jesus answered and said unto him, Happy artthou, Simon, the son of Jonas, for flesh and blood hath not opened to thee that, but my Father that is in heaven, Matt. xvi. 16, 17.
“We have believed, and know that thou art Christ the Son of the living God.
“I believe that thou art Christ the Son of God, which should come into the world, John xi. 27. “These things are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is Christ the Son of God, and that ye, in believing, might have life through his name, John xx. 31.
“I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Acts viii. 37.”
The Sixteenth Proposition.
“He that believeth the gospel, believeth God.”
“He that believeth God’s word, believeth God. “The gospel is God’s word.
“Ergo, he that believeth the gospel, believeth God.
“To believe the gospel is this: that Christ is the Saviour of the world, John vi. 29.
“Christ is our Saviour, Luke ii. 11.
“Christ bought us with his blood, Heb. xiii. 20; 1 Pet. i. 19; Rev. v. 9.
“Christ washed us with his blood, Rev. i. 5. “Christ offered himself for us, Heb. ix. 25.
“Christ bare our sins on his own back, &c., 1 Pet. ii. 24.”
The Seventeenth Proposition.
“He that believeth not the gospel believeth not God.”
“He that believeth not God’s word, believeth not God himself.
“The gospel is God’s word.
“Ergo, he that believeth not the gospel, believeth not God himself; and consequently, he that believeth not those things above written, and such others, believeth not God.”
The Eighteenth Proposition.
“He that believeth the gospel, shall be safe.
“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel unto every creature: he that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not, shall be condemned, Mark xvi.”
A comparison between Faith and Incredulity
“Faith is the root of all good: incredulity is the root of all evil.
“Faith maketh God and man good friends: incredulity maketh them foes.
“Faith bringeth God and man together: incredulity sundereth them.
“All that faith doth, pleaseth God: all that incredulity doth, displeaseth God.
“Faith only maketh a man good and righteous: incredulity only maketh him unjust and evil.
“Faith maketh a man a member of Christ: incredulity maketh him a member of the devil.
“Faith maketh a man the inheritor of heaven: incredulity maketh him inheritor of hell.
“Faith maketh a man the servant of God: incredulity maketh him the servant of the devil.
“Faith showeth us God to be a sweet Father: incredulity showeth him a terrible Judge.
“Faith holdeth stiff by the word of God: incredulity wavereth here and there.
“Faith counteth and holdeth God to be true: incredulity holdeth him false and a liar.
“Faith knoweth God: incredulity knoweth him not.
“Faith loveth both God and his neighbour: incredulity loveth neither of them.
“Faith only saveth us: incredulity only condemneth us.
“Faith extolleth God and his deeds: incredulity extolleth herself and her own deeds.”
Of hope
“Hope is a trusty looking after the thing that is promised us to come, as we hope after the everlasting joy, which Christ hath promised unto all that believe in him.”
We should put our hope and trust in God alone, and in no other thing.
“It is better to trust in God and not in man, Psal. cxviii. 8.
“He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool, Prov. xxviii. 26.
“It is good to trust in God, and not in princes, Psal. cxviii. 9.
“They shall be like unto the images which they make, and all that trust in them, Psal. cxv. 8.
“He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool, Prov. xxviii. 26.
“Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, Jer. xvii. 5.
“Bid the rich men of this world, that they trust not in their unstable riches; but that they trust in the living God, I Tim. vi. 17.
“It is hard for them that trust in money, to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
“Moreover we should trust in him only, that mayhelp us: God only may help us, therefore we should trust in him only.
“Well are they that trust in God, and woe to them that trust not in him.
“Well is that man that trusteth in God, for God shall be his trust.
“They shall rejoice that trust in thee; they shall ever be glad, and thou wilt defend them.”
Of charity
“Charity is the love of thy neighbour. The rule of charity is this: Do as thou wouldst be done to: for Christ holdeth all alike, the rich, the poor, the friend and the foe, the thankful and unthankful, the kinsman and stranger.”
A comparison between faith, hope, and charity
“Faith cometh of the word of God; hope cometh of faith; and charity springeth of them both.
“Faith believeth the word; hope trusteth after that which is promised by the word; charity doth good unto her neighbour, through the love that she hath to God, and gladness that is within herself.
“Faith looketh to God and his word; hope looketh unto his gift and reward; charity looketh on her neighbour’s profit.
“Faith receiveth God; hope receiveth his reward; charity loveth her neighbour with a glad heart, and that without any respect of reward. “Faith pertaineth to God only; hope to his reward; and charity to her neighbour.”
The doctrine of works
No manner of works make us righteous.
“We believe that a man shall be justified without works, Rom. iii.
“No man is justified by the deeds of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ; and we believe in Jesus Christ, that we may he justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the deeds of the law; for if righteousness come by the law, then died Christ in vain, Gal. ii.
“That no man is justified by the law is manifest; for a righteous man liveth by his faith, but the law is not of faith, Acts xvii.
“Moreover, since Christ the Maker of heaven and earth, and all that is therein, behoved to die for us, we are compelled to grant that we were so far drowned and sunken in sin, that neither our deeds, nor all the treasures that ever God made or might make, could have holpen us out of them: therefore no deeds or works may make us righteous.”
No works make us unrighteous.
“If any evil works make us unrighteous, then the contrary works should make us righteous. But it is proved that no works can make us righteous: therefore no works make us unrighteous.”
Works make us neither good nor evil.
“It is proved that works neither make us righteous nor unrighteous: therefore no works make us either good or evil. For righteous and good are one thing, and unrighteous and evil likewise one.
“Good works make not a good man, nor evil works an evil man: but a good man bringeth forth good works, and an evil man evil works.
“Good fruit maketh not the tree good, nor evil fruit the tree evil: but a good tree beareth good fruit, and an evil tree evil fruit.
“A good man cannot do evil works, nor an evil man good works: for a good tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor an evil tree good fruit.
A man is good ere he do good works, and evil ere he do evil works: for the tree is good ere it bear good fruit, and evil ere it bear evil fruit.”
Every man, and the works of man, are either good or evil.
“Every tree, and the fruits thereof, are either good or evil. Either make ye the tree good, and the fruit good also, or else make the tree evil, and the fruit of it likewise evil, Matt. xii. 23.
“A good man is known by his works: for a good man doth good works, and an evil man evil works. Ye shall know them by their fruit; for a good tree beareth good fruit, and an evil tree evil fruit. A man is likened to the tree, and his works to the fruit of the tree.
“Beware of the false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves: ye shall know them by their fruits, Matt. vii. 15.
None of our works either save us or condemn us.
“If works make us neither righteous nor unrighteous, then thou wilt say, it maketh no matter what we do. I answer, If thou do evil, it is a sure argument that thou art evil, and wantest faith. If thou do good, it is an argument that thou art good, and hast faith; for a good tree beareth good fruit, and an evil tree evil. Yet good fruit makes not the tree good, nor evil fruit the tree evil; so that man is good ere he do good deeds, and evil ere he do evil deeds.”
The man is the tree, his works are the fruit.
“Faith, maketh the good tree, and incredulity the evil tree: such a tree, such fruit; such a man, such works. For all things that are done in faith, please God, and are good works; and all that are done without faith, displease God, and are evil works.
“Whosoever believeth or thinketh to be saved by his works, denieth that Christ is his Saviour, that Christ died for him, and that all things pertain to Christ. For how is he thy Saviour, if thou mightest save thyself by thy works? or whereto should he die for thee, if any works might have saved thee?
“What is this to say, Christ died for thee? Verily, that thou shouldst have died perpetually; and Christ, to deliver thee from death, died for thee, and changed thy perpetual death into his own death; for thou madest the fault, and he suffered the pain; and that, for the love he had to thee before thou wast born, when thou hadst done neither good nor evil.
“Now, seeing he hath paid thy debt, thou needest not, neither canst thou, pay it; but shouldst be damned if his blood were not. But since he was punished for thee, thou shalt not be punished.
“Finally, He hath delivered thee from thy condemnation and all evil, and desireth nought of thee, but that thou wilt acknowledge what he hath done for thee, and bear it in mind; and that thou wouldst help others for his sake, both in word and deed, even as he hath holpen thee for nought, and without reward.
“Oh how ready would we be to help others, if we knew his goodness and gentleness towards us; he is a good and a gentle Lord, for he doth all for nought. Let us, I beseech you therefore, follow his footsteps, whom all the world ought to praise and worship. Amen! “
He that thinketh to be saved by his works calleth himself Christ:
“For he calleth himself the Saviour; which pertaineth to Christ only.
“What is a Saviour, but he that saveth? and he saith, I saved myself; which is as much to say as, I am Christ; for Christ only is the Saviour of the world.”
We should do no good works for the intent to get the inheritance of heaven, or remission of sin:
“For whosoever believeth to get the inheritance of heaven, or remission of sin, through works, he believeth not to get the same for Christ’s sake; and they that believe not that their sins are forgiven them, and that they shall be saved, for Christ’s sake, they believe not the gospel: for the gospel saith, You shall be saved for Christ’s sake; your sins are forgiven for Christ’s sake.
“He that believeth not the gospel, believeth not God. So it followeth, that those who believe to be saved by their works, or to get remission of their sins by their own deeds, believe not God, but account him as a liar, and so utterly deny him to be God.
“Thou wilt say, Shall we then do no good deeds?”
“I say not so, but I say we should do no good works to the intent to get the inheritance of heaven, or remission of sin. For if we believe to get the inheritance of heaven through good works, then we believe not to get it through the promise of God: or if we think to get remission of our sins by our deeds, then we believe not that they are forgiven us, and so we count God a liar. For God saith, Thou shalt have the inheritance of heaven for my Son’s sake; thy sins are forgiven thee for my Son’s sake: and you say it is not so, But I will win it through my works.
“Thus you see I condemn not good deeds, but I condemn the false trust in any works; for all the works wherein a man putteth any confidence, are therewith poisoned, and become evil. Wherefore thou must do good works, but beware thou do them not to deserve any good through them; for if thou do, thou receivest the good not as the gifts of God, but as a debt to thee, and makest thyself fellow with God, because thou wilt take nothing of him for nought. And what needeth he any thing of thine, who giveth all things, and is not the poorer? Therefore do nothing to him, but take of him, for he is a gentle Lord; and with a gladder will giveth us all that we need, than we can take it of him: if then we want aught, let us blame ourselves.
“Press not therefore to the inheritance of heaven through presumption of thy good works; for if thou do, thou countest thyself holy, and equal to God, because thou wilt take nothing of him for nought; and so shalt thou fall as Lucifer fell for his pride.”